A good friend & lady friend of http://airickz.blogspot.com/ has been diagnosed with a very curable type of cancer. I have no worry that she'll recover, the road may be rough, but she'll kick it. So i made her alittle card while i was doing some tests for my film, done in the same style of slapping some colours down & then finding something out of the mess
Surprisingly found some time to do a piece for http://artjumble.blogspot.com/ , i miss illustrator
& a crazy crazy thing, if you can sit through the drawing, the prize at the end is worth it
im having way too much damn fun with this site
if any of you fine folks are around on saturday night & care to join Sylvie & i in saying au revior to toronto, we're having a party at my place, see the flyer \/ \/ \/
we're moving off next weekend to montreal, its pretty exciting & crazy, but i know we'll enjoy the city. So come on out & you dont have to bring something french/canadian, but i know the individuals that are actually going to make it in this world will be.
Animator of many things, in particularly, but not exclusively, stop motion. i draw a lot in expensive little black books made from the skins of moles & live with the best woman in the world, Sylvie