
Comic con sept 1-3

hey its been a while since ive posted cuz ive been working hard putting stuff together for the toronto comic con, coming up on sept 1-3. my bro (shan) & i have a booth in the artist alley & it should be just a knee-slapin ho-down, you should come & see us! what are we selling? well these silly:

my sketchbook of girlies, women, people of the femine sort & a few other things, - $5

shans book of monsters, hitmen & dead people whove got one thing left to do.....eat - $5

prints upon request - various prices

shans doing zombie portraits on the damn spot, DAAAAMN!!

& crazy watercolour blobs that ive made to look like things, ive made a ton of these - $2-$10

all of this stuff is available to even those individuals who arent lucky enough to endure us in person, just give me an email & we'll work something out. hope to see ya next weekend, au revior



justin said...

Doh!!! Completely missed out on the Con. How was Mignola?
Those watercolour blobbythings are awesome.

DaLe said...

mignola is a cool guy, just went up to talk to him with nothing to sign, i just wanted to shoot to shit with to him, so of course my arm is still sore from his wife who backs him up as a bodygaurd. Shan ended up being the profits winner with his zombie portraits, people love to look dead. we also both sold a bunch of sketchbooks (which are still available for purchase) & our other art.

overall it was great, had fun meeting some awesome people, drew a lot, & got to see the geeks & nerds from the other side of the table, highly recommend it.

Blair Kitchen said...

Hey Dale! It was nice running into you at the convention! Hope I'll see you at others in the future. It was a blast!

DaLe said...

hey man it was awesome seeing you again & jim says "hey asshole"

DaLe said...

thanks a lot again & treat my fav one of that series well