

quick post, a milk spot i did everything except the writing for headgear about a month ago is up on their site. i love these milk spots, check out the others too,

update on flower screenings:

-sun oct 12 - alburguerque, NM, part of the motionfest08 conference

apparently REPO is supposed to be awesome, im probably coming to toronto for this screening
-fri oct 18, 8:45PM - toronto, bloor cinema, before REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA - Toronto after dark film fest

-Wed Oct 22, 7pm - toronto, nfb/onf Mediatheque as part of the world of shorts

-sun Oct 26, 1pm - toronto, ROM yea! yea!!, before Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines - planet in focus fest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'est trés beau mon ami !!!! bravo!!