DaLe's aRT



RIP mr frazetta

he was on my "To meet before they die" list, i was too late


puerto viejo

just a few of many from our first family trip to costa rica

i was really close to these frogs, there's no touch ups or zooming in

ah, so that's why they have spots

beautiful & serious ladies

riding a bike for the first time is exhausting


they're the same as us!

on the way home in san jose

art next time


en masse mini doc

good friend fred caron finished this up for the en masse crew. im in hysterics for who knows why



To describe in blog text on how amazing our trip to costa rica was wouldn't even do a leaf of justice, you'll just have to wait for the pictures. but in short; zoé is best infant to travel with, i'm born to surf & i found a ring in a dead sea urchin, so i put it on sylvie's finger, yea THAT finger.

So, after getting burnt & then recovered from the costa rican sun, i quickly slammed off this custom job for Yannick's "Burned Toast" show at HQ this past thursday. our canvas was any toaster we could find & i found a beauty at an antique store. It's so cool by itself that all i did was play with was existing on it, interesting challenge that i plan on doing again.

Repo Exuro Ferrum AKA Crawling Burnt Iron. it's still up for sale

He even works from the other side too

Here are the others from the show, great work all around. This city has so much talent


going to the rich coast

we're off to COSTA RICA tomorrow to finally take a vacation, first one in seven years, sheesh. when i get back i'll of course have a bunch of art done from the trip that will most likely take me months to post. but here's alittle something for you in the meantime



yoka concrete birthday

i finally put Concrete Lovesong on la moustache & vimeo

A custom yoka i markered is going around on tour, check it out if it comes to your town

& here's a birthday card for Thahn


nuit blanche

so much blank canvas couldn't stop us, it just made us paint until 3am. thanks to all the kind & perplexed words from the hundreds of people that came out to watch a bunch of artists show their trade, you'll be seeing this for awhile. cheers to the en masse boys for making this brilliance of black & white come together yet again, my joy to finally be a part of it

there were so many artists involved that it becomes hard to see who did what, here's just mine the En masse blog has even more

mes oiseaux avec chapeaux

bigfoot gots his back

who will win? my bet's on the tongues.

lucky fly

here's what the previous couple nights were all about, pic from funkill

En masse couldn't be more appropriate for the events title
the canvas' will be put up just above where we painted them for all the consuming mall goers to gawk at, but who knows for how long, go get your gawks


en masse

ive been painting with the en masse crew, & we're doin it live this sat 27 fev, pour Nuit blanche. at the eaton centre by the big food court, insane place for a huge night of artists drawing together, but we'll make faces smile.

we worked on these this week, they're going to be placed inside a big tube, lit from behind. its going to look splendid.

just a few sheets of many



lots of stuff has been happening in the world of d-ale as of late, here's just a few things

My good friends Andrea & Rob are having a silent auction in Sudbury for the devastation that went on in Haiti in which all the proceeds are going to. i had to put at least a few pieces in, so while you're getting some good art, your stack of cash is going to an even better cause than supporting artists, nothing better than that. I'll post a link the auction as soon as i know what it is, but if you're interested send me an electronic mail, hurry its over feb 11!

framed original drawing "suede" 5 x 6 (if this doesn't go for bunch of cash, i'll cause the next earthquake, it's one of the few pieces ive done that i really really like)

framed original drawing "violet sketch" 8 x 10

Next up, these pieces are up for sale at my favourite boutique, Headquarters if you're interested &/or not in montreal, give me a holla

framed splat "space ships" 4 x 6

framed original drawing "recline" 9 x 12

digital painting on canvas "Mary" 12 x 20

ALSO there's a bunch of brand new splats in their own envelopes for real cheap, i like to call them Surprise Splats!

lost more soon