
FACA, mojis, bountee

more mojizu's, vote by rubbing your mouse on them

new Bountee shirt in guys, she needs your votes if you're a member of Bountee, if not why? BUY it HERE

lady submission for Sam hiti's Fistacuffs, voting will commence soon

Heading to New York on monday to see the flower in the NYCshorts, first time in the city, hoping to have a blast. its playing on Wed oct 24 at 7pm, love to see you there, yes you!


Juanma said...

So looks like A couple of old school friends are gonna battle emselves on the fist a cuffs Arena uh?...
well ...well, no dirty tricks this time Hayward! hehe

DaLe said...

my girl can handle herself, i dont need to help. i wish i was able to join in on the team battle, but the other 2 members of my team are lazy fucks